ABEGate – Secure file transfers across industrial networks

Encrypted and Secure connection between
client and host provides a secure channel to
transfer files between networks and across
firewalls. Private and Public certificates allow
the connection to happen securely without the
need of unsafe passwords.

Controls what file extensions and filename
keywords are allowed and even the maximum
file size to be transferred to avoid network
overload. User can choose over what port the
communication will happen providing an extra
level of security.

Tracking and Reporting
Track and reports all transfers and events
(blocked files, failed transfers, etc) are logged
and can be made available through Syslog
events and connected to ABEGuardian or any
other Syslog Server application for tracking, reporting and alert.

ABEGate allow users to increase their DCS/PLC
networks security by removing the need of USB
drives and shared folder between networks and
adding an extra level of monitoring of what is
being transferred in (optional) and out of the
process control network.